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Would you like to give back
to your village?

Maybe you have 30 mins a week or once a quarter at one of our larger events.  We are grateful of any help we can get.  We know we need to plan for the future, but we can't do it without your help.


Do as little or as much as you can - We appreciate your contribution

Do you want to be a Ninja?

We are on a mission to build an army of Knitting and Crochet Ninja's.  By Remembrance Day 2024, we plan to make a wonderful display for our village. But we need your help.  This project is not about 4 or 5 people doing all the hard work, we want to as many people as possible to get involved regardless of skill, or income level.  There will be a 4 week programme to learn the basics - plus a buddy system.   â€‹â€‹

Community Garden

Do you love gardening but don't have the space at home?  We are looking for a small group of Volunteers to take over our Community Garden.  We are open to your ideas for the long term, what plants you want to add.  Can it give back fruit and veg to the village? We have already had some initial volunteers pull up the weeds, next stage is ongoing maintenance. 

Can you help Alan put tables out for Bingo?

He needs your help but won't ask.

Every Friday, the lovely Alan (who is in his 70's now) is struggling to put out the tables for Bingo.  Could you spare 30 mins on your way in from work to pop and give him a hand?  Alan and Rosanna have been hosting Bingo for the village for 17 years and these last few years have been the hardest yet.   He loves doing the number calling, but if we can get a small group of helpers to do the heavy lifting of set up it would be a game changer.  17:30 pm to 18:00pm on a Friday.

Calling all Digital Hero's

Are you a digital genius in your spare time or day job.  Could you help us take this website to the next level.  We have lots of aspirations of where we want this site to go. ​Sharing events, not just in the Pavilion but in the Isle too.  We want to be the go-to for what's happening  on the Isle.​Creating a secure booking system for our evening events.  To name a few, suggestions welcome.


We have a variety of hands on days we would like to plan and we are looking for groups of volunteers to help us give the place a fresh look.


The railings out front could do with a paint.  A few areas inside could also do with a lick of paint.  We will provide all the supplies, plus plenty of tea and biscuits.  If you're interested, please drop us a line.


Ready to get involved? Let's do it!

We know across our beautiful village we have lots of people willing to help, maybe you are someone who can even give a little more.


This is music to our ears - We recognize that if we are going to be here for another 50 years.  We need to hand over the baton at some point.  So yes we would be delighted to hear from you.


We are keen to get fresh ideas and share the load.  Joining the committee is following a process of nomination, and voting.  So why not get involved now so we can get to know you and understand what you can bring to the table. 

Do you have volunteer days at work?

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